Your Journey with UnaVida
Your journey starts with a meeting that is all about you, what sort of future you want, and how you plan to spend your time. We will demonstrate our three-step formulae that will clarify what is required to keep you on track. Then we will ask you our killer motivational question that will provide the momentum for you to take action.
Exploration meeting
We offer a no-cost, no obligation initial exploration meeting. This provides you with the opportunity to understand how we work and what value we can add to your financial arrangements over the years ahead.
We will ask you to send us some financial details in advance so that we can ensure we have the potential to add significant value to you and what you want to achieve in life.
We will discuss the way we work and our fees with you at this meeting.
Discovery meeting
The discovery meeting is a chance for us to explore in more detail your current situation and challenges.
In addition to the questions traditional financial advisers may ask, we ask a whole heap more. That is because we want to ensure any advice we provide relates to your core values.
The discovery meeting takes a minimum of an hour and a half. It is time well spent, as it allows us to get to know one another and ensures we are delivering advice truly tailored to your ambitions and goals.
We will then make some initial recommendations for how we might move forward, including details of growth strategies and plans for implementation.
Strategy meeting
After the Discovery meeting, we will undertake an in-depth analysis of your financial circumstances and research the optimal routes open to you. We will build a comprehensive plan that joins all the dots and illustrates how you can build and protect your wealth to achieve the goals you have identified. At this meeting, we will present the results of that work to you and explain, in detail, our recommendations.
Our purpose is not to sell you financial products; we are here to save you money and position your wealth to grow in the most effective and safe way possible.
Follow-up meeting
Follow-up meetings are a chance for us to review progress and assess what headway has been made on our savings and investment goals (and cashflow improvements in the case of business clients). Where adjustments are necessary, we can make them swiftly.
Regular progress meetings
The purpose of regular progress meetings is to ensure that whatever may be happening in the markets, the wider economy, or in your life (and business if you are a business client), your arrangements remain aligned with your goals and objectives.
Unlike many other financial planners and advisers, we do not wait to rebalance your portfolio quarterly. We are constantly monitoring the markets and remaining vigilant to global or economic changes that may impact your financial plan.
Meeting regularly allows us to remain abreast of your circumstances and make adjustments without damaging delays.
What our clients say
Discover what our clients think of us and how we help them succeed.
UnaVida are trustworthy, honest, and reliable.
Ray's philosophy to finance was aligned with ours.
I look at Ray as a friend, rather than just an adviser.
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