UnaVida | Investment Fees & Charges

Investment Fees & Charges

Investment Fees & Charges – This week I would like to focus on what it seems most clients are concerned about, that is investment charges.

On the Money Facts web site is a section entitled “ How Fees Stop Your Money Growing”, it later describes how John & Jo invest £10,000 each, and how John only nets £20,696 over 20 years and Jo nets £24,014, as her fees were less.

To add to this simplistic nonsense, the site goes onto to say that John’s only hope is that his funds are only charging higher fees “because they are confident that they will perform above average”.

This sort of irritating nonsense is being peddled quite widely by a number of web sites and of course by many journalists.

Fund managers do not charge higher fees because of their “confidence” (what utter nonsense) but for commercial reasons. Some of the top performing funds have the highest fees because they have to pay substantial sums to their star managers.

There are many factors that affect investment returns but if you are only concerned about charges, then you should find a low cost fund platform and make a selection of passive or index trackers – and leave your financial future to the dictates of the investment market.

This overt focus on charges is in my opinion quite damaging, particularly when it is perceived as the be all and end all – of investment planning.

Investment Planning is a sophisticated process, the founding father of Investment Planning – Harry Markowitz, won a Nobel Prize for Economics in 1952 for his paper “Portfolio Selection”. This paper provided the basis for the investment planning used today.

The primary focus of the paper was how to combine different investments in order to provide the most efficient combination for Risk and Reward.

Today we call this process Asset Allocation, the asset allocation process has the potential to provide up to 80% of the overall portfolio return (some say 87%).

If you want a comparison, it’s the Elephant of Asset Allocation that is mainly responsible for driving the returns of the portfolio and the Mouse of Investment Fund Charges does affect returns but not in the manner suggested by many writers of limited intellect.

To see how Asset Allocation can work we will shortly publish how one of our “Brexit” portfolios has performed as compared to the FTSE 100.

To see how proper Asset Allocation can work for your investment or pensions, please read our guide to Investing, or contact us.

Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number 5553273.
Registered Address: Victoria House, 26 Queen Victoria Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1TG

A pension is a long-term investment that typically cannot be accessed until age 55 (57 from April 2028). The level of pension benefits offered could change depending on the value of your investments (and any income they may generate).

The interest rates in effect at the time you begin receiving benefits may also have an impact on your pension income. The tax consequences of pension withdrawals will depend on your unique situation. In later Finance Acts, tax rates, tax bases, and tax relief may change.

The opinions expressed by Ray Best are meant to inform and educate. Before making any investment decisions always take advice that is pertinent to your investment personality and financial situation.

You are aware that past performance will not necessarily be repeated in the future, but you should be aware that persistent poor performance invariably will.

The value of an investment and the income from it could go down as well as up.

The return at the end of the investment period is not guaranteed and you may get back less than you originally invested.

UnaVida Wealth Management Ltd. is directly authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (440577).

The guidance in this website is primarily aimed at a UK audience and is subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax planning, estate planning, or wills and any form of legal documentation.