UnaVida | Helping Children Buy Property

Helping Children Buy Property

If you have been considering assisting your children to get a step on the property ladder, then this is as good a time as any.

There are a number of reasons for this, firstly given the current economic uncertainty, it is believed that there is potential for property prices to fall over the next two to three years. Secondly you can get assistance from the government in the form of an uplift on any contributions you make for your child.

This contribution uplift applies to monies placed in Help To Buy ISA’s, as these can be used to assist first time buyers buy a home with a value of up to £250,000 outside of London and £450,000 inside of London.

We understand from speaking to clients that they have been a little reluctant to make outright gifts to children in the past as their children might use the cash for another purpose, but with Help To Buy ISA’s they can only be used as a deposit for a house.

Help to Buy ISA’s have been available since 1st December 2015 and more 500,000 accounts have been opened since then. The popularity has been driven by the generous 25% cash bonus provided by the government.

The minimum bonus is set at £400 meaning you must have saved at least £1600 in the Help to Buy ISA.

The maximum amount of bonus is £3,000, meaning a total of £12,000 must have been saved.

In order to receive the bonus, you need to instruct the conveyancing solicitor to apply for it, once a house has been purchased.

The third reason to use Help to Buy ISA’s is that the interest rates available on these products tend to be higher than on other similar products.

If you plan to make a more substantial contribution do read another of my blogs.

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A pension is a long-term investment that typically cannot be accessed until age 55 (57 from April 2028). The level of pension benefits offered could change depending on the value of your investments (and any income they may generate).

The interest rates in effect at the time you begin receiving benefits may also have an impact on your pension income. The tax consequences of pension withdrawals will depend on your unique situation. In later Finance Acts, tax rates, tax bases, and tax relief may change.

The opinions expressed by Ray Best are meant to inform and educate. Before making any investment decisions always take advice that is pertinent to your investment personality and financial situation.

You are aware that past performance will not necessarily be repeated in the future, but you should be aware that persistent poor performance invariably will.

The value of an investment and the income from it could go down as well as up.

The return at the end of the investment period is not guaranteed and you may get back less than you originally invested.

UnaVida Wealth Management Ltd. is directly authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (440577).

The guidance in this website is primarily aimed at a UK audience and is subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax planning, estate planning, or wills and any form of legal documentation.